"Like a fluttering sparrow or a darting swallow,
an undeserved curse will not land on its intended victim." (Proverbs 26:2)
So, this is a little off topic, admittedly, but it reminded me of a few things. I like people to be happy with me. I don't get 'talked to' (you know what I mean) all that often, but when I do, I tend to take things personally. Once, when I was a kid, playing tetherball at recess with Tony Janick, with my back to the school door, I was so into the game that I did not hear the recess bell. On completing the game, I/we turned to realize the schoolyard was empty, which meant we were IN TROUBLE. Even though I hadn't done anything wrong on purpose, I pretty much shook with the knowledge of my guilt, my unworthiness, and when the teacher talked to us about it, it was hard not to cry.
But, on two distinct occasions in particular (again, I don't get rebuked too too often), I remember being really free from that. First, at a temp job I had, which was only for a few months, a month or so in I was captured by the distinct inner knowledge that one of my bosses was writing A LIST of my shortcomings and would soon call me to her office and talk to me. I was a good worker, though not perfect. And the thought of being rebuked for my imperfections was a little bit of a blow. However, tho' I have no idea how I knew that in advance of its occurrence, when the moment came I was prepared. I faced her, listened to her 10 grievances about how I sometimes forgot to put a sticker on a chart, or some other little things, and I was free. Light as a bird. It was her issue, her need to control things, that she was dealing with. It wasn't me. It wasn't about me.
Another time some fellow I had been dating (though not committed to/ie not a 'boyfriend') made some unfounded accusations about my intention to flirt with other fellows and manipulate him based on some comments I had made. In that situation, I stood my ground easily, and just countered with saying I did not think he realized how cruel and unjust what he was saying was. I believed he was better than that. Communication was discontinued. A long time later, I did receive an apology.
I run into too many folks that get verbally abused, or unjustly accused. I'm not the only one who has. All I want to say is, don't receive it! Don't stay in the situation if it keeps repeating. And remember who you are, not who you aren't. If the words are untrue, they won't stick, they won't land where they are trying to. You are free from that stuff! You're human, you make mistakes, you're magnificently imperfect. But that doesn't make you bad.
Whew! I have to go run. I was just reading Proverbs 26 (because today is the 26th) before I left, and thought, I have stuff to say about that! Now it is MUCH hotter outside...but I will persevere. The summer is almost over!! Yay! (because of the running goal, not because I dislike the season, like...*ahem*...some boy I know ;P)